Our company specialized in manufacturing the thermostatic and pressure balance .
The founders have more than 10 years experience in reseach & development and production of thermostatic cartridge ..
Our company manufactures our owns thermostatic sensors that are used in automatic thermostatic valves and pressure balance control valves,which has passed EN 215 .
In this time ,not more than 100 factories in the world and few factory in the China pass EN 215 .
We have developed more than 100 styles and gotten 60 National and International patents.
All our products meets many global standards including, EN1111, QB2806-2006 and other technical standards of advanced nations.
- 地址:福建 厦门 金山西里达嘉馨园
- 邮编:361012
所在地:福建省厦门市经营范围:其他未列明制造业(不含须经许可审批的项目);五金产品批发;其 所在地:福建省厦门市经营范围:1、研发、生产、销售:建筑材料、装饰材料、金属材料、塑料制品 所在地:福建省厦门市经营范围:科技中介服务;其他未列明科技推广和应用服务业;五金产品批发; 所在地:福建省厦门市经营范围:金属制品制作、安装和销售;批发零售:五金交电、建筑材料、塑料 所在地:福建省厦门市经营范围:批发零售日用百货、文化用品、包装制品、塑料制品、纺织品、服装 所在地:福建省厦门市经营范围: 波纹管 PE管 PVC管 排水系统 UPVC双壁波纹管